

Fill In The Blank Friday

It's time for Fill in the Bank Friday again! It's funny how fast the weeks seem to go by every time I sit here ready to do my FITB on Friday mornings. Of course, I am at work, sipping on Earl Grey, and delaying working for as long as I can. No Starbucks, you may ask? Well, I am trying to cut back on calories, so for now, it's back to tea. Enjoy!! 

1.   In the story of my life the actor who would play me would be Anne Hathaway. She is beautiful in her own way, and I know she would do an amazing job capturing the clumsiness, the anxious stress ball, and the constant over-analyzer that I am! 

2.  If I could change one thing about the world it would be for people to take a step back, and truly realize that everything we do/say DO have consequences. I feel like if people paid more attention to that, we would be able to preserve the youth and innocence of children longer.

3.  Yesterday I was grumpy because it was the first day of that time of the month, and my whole body was sore and achy and all I wanted to do was lay around. 

4.  My favorite comfort food is pasta; preferably with a LOT of cheese :)

5.  My new favorite blog find is  Jeni @ Story of My Life.

6.  If I could meet any blog friend (who I haven't met yet) in real life, I'd choose to meet - hmm that's a tough one, but I would probably say Jeni from Story of My Life (see above), or Lindsay @ La Belle Vie

7.  My favorite breakfast food is  tea, with warm toast covered in butter and jelly, and a croissant. I know - very French :)



  1. I've always said Anne Hathaway would play me too!! I could also eat croissants for breakfast everyday. I'd love to meet you too :)

  2. Maybe we can combined both our lives in one very French movie :)

  3. Pasta with lots of cheese is the best!

  4. Great this blog feature and learning more about you:)

    Have a Fabulous day!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  5. You are so sweet!!! I just saw this, and it made my day! Not only because you mentioned me and my blog, but also because you and I have a lot in common!! Earl Grey tea?? Interesting that you mentioned that because it happens to be my absolute favorite! In fact, I just bought a bunch at an open air market in NY! :)

    Enjoyed this!! :)


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