Hi Friends!
I am just stopping by to wish you all a wonderful New Years Eve!
I've been a little quiet on the blog, enjoying my time off, and catching up on too much Vampire Diaries, reading blogs, and spending time with my hubby!
However, to my surprise, I checked my blog this morning, and saw that I officially have 100 followers! yay!
This means a lot to me, because I know I am not the most consistent blogger.
But I do want to take the time and say Thank You to all of you for reading this little blog of mine!
Your comments are always SO appreciated, and I am grateful for all of you!
With that said.
I am looking forward to a night of good foods, champagne, and celebrating a brand New Year ahead of us!
Bonne Annee Friends!!
Bonne Annee!
Fill in the Blank Friday
1. New Years is the chance for a fresh start. It does not mean that you've had a bad year, but I love that feeling of knowing I get to start fresh...kind of like a blank page.
2. One of my New Year's resolutions will be to be ok with putting myself, and my husband first. I tend to live through my parents too much, and I am not able to be OK with the fact I don't always have to make decisions based off how they feel.
3. A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to worry less. I'm sad to admit that I have completely failed.
4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was losing ten pounds for our wedding. I did it, but now that I am married, I have been way too lazy. Gotta get back in shape.
5. This year I will be spending New Year's Eve with Michael'a brothers and their wives, and of course our little nephew Davis. The six of us are so lucky to be so close.
6. If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be to relax, and enjoy life for the present. I feel like I am constantly chasing something.
7. 2012 is going to be a year of good, and adult changes. New jobs, hopefully a house, and who knows....maybe a little Peanut at the end of all this :)
Happy New Year Friends!!
May 2012 bring you everything you wish for, and more!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays Friends!
I am off work for the next few days, and I can't wait to spend time with our families.
Our first Holiday season as a married couple!
Merry Christmas.
Happy Hanukkah.
Happy Everything!
Music Tuesday

Wedding Pics: the ceremony

Fill in the Blank Friday
6. If I were writing my own blank today, it would say: what is the one thing you secretly hate during the Holidays, but wouldn't admit to anyone!?

Wedding Pics: the details
I fell in love with the venue the second I stepped foot in it, and I have to say that I was more than happy with the results!

A Holiday Curveball

Christmas Wish List