

Fill in the Blank Friday!

Oh Fridays - you make me so happy! 
It's been quite the slow week at work, and I'll admit that I didn't have a whole lot of work piled up. 
Yet I am still so thankful that it is Friday - and that Michael and I get a whole weekend to relax! 

We are going to the Georgia State campus tomorrow to get some new gear for next week's Football game.  I know it's silly given that our team is barely a year old - but this is where it starts people! 
I can't wait to tell my kids one day that I was at their very first game.

We are also going to order our wedding bands (yay!), and we have planned on getting lunch at our favorite spot on campus. 
I have no shame in admitting that I like to pretend I'm still a student and walk around campus sometimes. 

Here are your Fill in the Blanks, courtesy of Lauren at The Little Things We Do!

1.   One of life's most simple pleasures is  a rainy afternoon, comfy clothes, a warm cup of tea, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch while watching a good girlie movie. 
2.    People who chew with their mouths open make me want to punch someone

3.  I like watching Teen shows (pretty much anything on abc Family - don't judge me!)  because, they make me feel like I'm still young.

4.   Blitz (this is because Michael explained to me what it was last night, and it's still in my head!)  is a funny word.

5.  If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be  tinted moisturize - eye liner comes to a close second though!

6.  I'm happy that  I get to marry the most wonderful man in less than two months!

7.  I would never  participate in an activity that involves snakes - ever! Eeeeek I have goosebumps just thinking about it. 

Have a GREAT weekend!!!


Thursday Morning Thoughts

Thursday is my favorite day of the week - probably because it used to be my "Friday" for five years in college. 
 I am seriously procrastinating this morning - and I don't feel bad for it! 
I'm sleepy, Pure Barre literally kicked my butt last night, and all I want to do right now is blog.

I feel really good about all our wedding plans - I think everything is coming together well - and I don't foresee myself having many "last minute" plans to deal with. Phew! 

The one little dilemma I've had is finding the perfect shoes to wear with my wedding dress.  
I know I probably won't wear them all night - so I am not planning on spending a crazy amount on designer shoes just because.  
However, I still want them to be super cute - and super comfortable. 

I am such a fan of Badgley Mischka evening shoes - and since I told myself $200 would be the most I would spend - those are definitely in my radar. 

Now, if I were to go nuts (and could afford it), here are a few that I would DIE to wear on the big day.

Oh what I wouldn't do for a pair of those "red bottom" shoes.  Christian Louboutin sure knows what he is doing - and sure knows how to torture women who can't afford his shoes! 

I almost forgot - did you hear the announcement for the new Bachelor?!

Ben F ladies! My man is coming back for a "second chance" at love this Fall.  Technically ABC has not confirmed yet - but all the very "legit" gossip sites have confirmed it - so I'm going with it!

Clearly, things between Ben and Jennifer Love Hewitt didn't work out - the girl can't hold on to a man to save her life!  I like to believe that Ben realized he was way too good for her anyways. 

Eeee! A whole season with Ben - I can't wait! 
Happy Thursday!



Wednesday Randoms

I have to say I am loving this slow week at work.  Everyone is in a better mood (myself included), and this gives me time to catch up on blogging :) 

I can't believe we are now less than two months away from our wedding!  I am going to warn you - you are going to hear about it a lot in the next few weeks!  
I can't help it - I'm antsy!

In preparation for the big day, I went on a wedding diet a few months ago. 
I lots 10 pounds.  Not bad - not great either. 

I feel like I've hit a plateau with my workout routine - so I decided to try something new. 
Have you heard of Pure Barre?

I heard about it here and there, but was kind of scared of trying. I mean, their main selling point is that they will work your muscles to the point of "shaking" and "fatigue". 
Hmm what!? 

While running errands last week, I drove by a recently opened studio close to my apartment, and decided this would be the perfect time to give it a try.  
Two months until the wedding - this should be great in combination to my regular workouts!

Of course I was nervous - especially because I am not very flexible, and I have ZERO ballet experience. 
I showed up wearing leggings, a comfy t-shirt, and the special "sticky/rubber" bottom socks they recommend for the class. 

It was a small studio with about 10 other women.  I wasn't the only newbie - phew - first relief! 
The one hour class began with a 10 minute warm-up - Pilates style - and I swear I was already worn out. 

What a reality check!  Here I am, thinking I am in fairly decent shape, and I can't even make it through a 10 minute warm-up!?  
But I swallowed my pain - and went on with the class.  

We went through different sets of leg exercises on the barre - mostly standing one leg, tippy toes, and working with the other for time periods of 2 minutes. 
Yes my legs were shaking - and there were a few times where I thought I was going to cry. 

We worked our thighs, and "seat" on the barre for about 30 minutes,  and finished the class with the longest abs session of my life! At that point, even stretching hurt. 

Verdict? painful, but in a really twisted way I can see how this class is addicting. 
I signed up for a one month/unlimited membership, and I am already going back tonight - go me!
My goal is to make in at least 3 times a week, combined with cardio on the elliptical. 
I'm taking a break from weights and giving the Pure Barre my 100% strength commitment! 

We shall see if what they say is true, and if my body changes in the next four weeks. 
I will keep you updated on my progress. 

And because posts without pictures can be boring - here is a sneak peek of our wedding invitations! 

these were taken with my phone - sorry for the not so great quality here! 

And because I love my niece and I think she is the prettiest little girl around: 

Happy Hump Day!!! 



Bridal Shower #1

I apologize for the lack of posts these past few weeks - but work has gotten me pretty busy these days!
Today officially marks the two months stretch until our Wedding Day!!!
I've been busy putting together our beautiful invitations, and working favors, decorations, etc.  This is it ladies!  I am in full wedding mode until October 22nd!

There was such a long gap between getting engaged, booking vendors, and this last stretch.  I feel like there is still SO much to be done.  Luckily, I have an amazing soon to be mother-in-law who has been a HUGE help!

I had my first Bridal Shower this past Saturday - and let me just say that I had the best time ever!

I was really nervous going into it.  You know, being the center of attention and all. But it was great, and even though I had a few moments where I felt like I was having hot flashes and night sweats - I would say I did pretty well!

My wonderful Bridesmaids put together the most beautiful shower I have ever been to. Nope not biased at all - it was gorgeous!!  Warning:  LOTS of pictures ahead!

 I have to say that I have never felt more spoiled, and loved.  
I feel so blessed to have such amazing families, and friends.



I'm just stopping by to let you know that one, I am still alive; and two, this is my work month-end close week. 

I have to work about 50 hours this week - gross! 

Michael is leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning for his OMG Bachelor party. For four days. 
Me, Nervous? Noooooooo. 

I mean, maybe a little bit, because we are talking about Vegas, and because who knows what goes on in that crazy town! 

I love my bug though, and I hope he has a crazy ridiculous (and safe) time in Vegas.
After all, this is his last trip as a Bachelor! 

Here's to you Babe - don't get too silly ;)

silly brothers

I love you Bug, and I can't wait to marry you!!! 



Fill in the Blank Friday

It's here! It's Friday! 
Ahhh what a great feeling. 

This week flew by, but I sure am glad that it is Friday, because I get to use Summer hours, which means I only have to work until noon. yay!

This weekend should be pretty low key.  My good friend Amber is officially moving to Atlanta with her boyfriend (in OUR apartment complex!), and we are going to celebrate her big move from Athens (UGA), to the big city! 

Michael and I don't have too planned other than ordering the suits for the wedding, and a trip to IKEA.  I am in the mood for some new decorations and candles for the apartment.  

I like low key weekends.  I like sleeping in.  I like eating breakfast, and drinking coffee with Michael on Saturday mornings when we know we have all day to do whatever our little hearts desire.  

Those are the little things that make me happy. 

I hope you all have a great weekend, and enjoy this Friday's Fill in the Blanks!

1.   My go to outfit for a dress-up occasion like a wedding is  a cute tea length dress, usually black with a different colors heels - sometimes blue, or something fun like that.

2.  This week has been  pretty slow at work, yet productive in my personal life.  Lots of wedding planning accomplished, and so far I've worked out 3 times, and I am planning on going later today!

3.  When it's dinnertime and I'm feeling lazy I'll usually eat  a bowl of cereal, or soup.  simple yet yummy.

4.  My favorite pair of shoes is my Tory Burch Reva flats (best investment ever), and my UGG boots.  I actually bought a pair back in 2004 when they first came out, and only one color was available.  They cost me $105, and I've washed them a few times - they still look new!

5.  A random item that I own that is completely unnecessary, but that I could never part with is  these little colored spoons made by Rice.   Do you know Rice? I love Rice.  A lot!  I discovered it in France.  They are coffee/tea spoons, and I am obsessed with them.  I buy a set every time I go to Paris.

silly but so cute!
6.  My favorite person is  Michael of course - but my Mom and Dad come to a very close second :)

7.  If I were going to write my own blank it would say :  If you could take a year off work/school, where would you go, and what would you do? 
Happy Friday friends!!!  


Less than three months away from the big Day!

The past three weeks have been slow at work, mostly because we are on a 5-4-4 calendar, and this is one of our 5 week period. 

I like it - I get to catch up on all my work.  
Most importantly, I get to read all of your blogs. 

I also get to do a bit of wedding planning/researching.  We are less than three months away friends. 

Vendors are booked, save-the-dates have been sent, honeymoon is booked.  
What a GREAT feeling! 

Right now, I am working on invitations to be sent in a few weeks, decorations, and favors.  I went back and forth, but I am feeling pretty good about all my decisions so far. 

Here is a sneak peek of the bridesmaids bouquets. 

Our colors are actually Orange and Gray, so the ribbon will be a darker shade of gray - but this is the closest picture I could find.  I love the Calla Lilies.  

Those are the main flower that will be used in centerpieces, various arrangements around the venue, my bouquet, and the boutonnieres. 

As for favors - I thought about it for a while too - and decided to do something simple, yet traditional.  
We are doing Jordan almonds, in different colors (orange, gray, white) - in little organza bags. 

 something like that - except the bags will be orange with a little tag that will say "M & J" in gray.

Our wedding will have a fair mix of French and American traditions, which I am the most excited about.  I think the favors, and our cake will be the most representative of French weddings.  

 this is an example of a French wedding cake - little puff pastries filled with vanilla or chocolate cream, covered in a sugar/caramel glaze. Delicious!

We are also having French wine and champagne.  Thank you dad! 

Another fun idea is our out of town guest bags.  I decided to make those French themed for our American guests, and vice-versa for our French guests.  
Neat, no? 

There is so much left to be done, yet I feel good about everything.  I have my first Bridal Shower in two weeks - eeeee!  I am excited, yet a little nervous. 
Being the center of attention isn't my favorite - and I've never been a fan of opening gifts in front of other people. 

Seriously.  I usually wait to open my gifts last at Christmas, while everyone is busy playing with their new stuff. 

Oh, but it is exciting.  Our wedding festivities are just around the corner, and I feel so blessed to have many people around us excited for our big day! 



A Bit of Everything

Were you expecting a Bachelorette post?! Of course your were. 

  I knew Ashley was going to pick JP, and frankly, I think they are good together. 
They are both insecure, and whiny, and I think they make a great pair.  

She did not deserve Ben - and he did not deserve to be treated the way she treated him.  Couldn't she stop him from getting on one knee, and spare him the embarrassment of rejecting his proposal? 

No - because she loved it.  She loved being sought after, and in a way, I'm sure it made her feel good, considering the fiasco from Brad's season.  

Did you watch the after show?  I did - girl friend needs new extensions - her hair did not look good last night. 
(bitter? me? noooooo)

Ben deserves better.  I heard he is actually dating Britt from Brad's season - good for him!  I don't want him to be the next Bachelor.

Poor Benny - such a sweetheart! 

So who will it be?  Constantine? Nah - I heard him during my Atlanta morning show saying that he wasn't really into the whole thing anymore.  Good for you Constantine! 

My only guess is Ryan.  What do you think?
Bachelorette talk - done! 


I went by my parent's house to see her on Friday, and she looked absolutely pitiful.  
Her was mouth swollen, had no energy from all her meds, and she barely got out of her bed. 
She did manage to eat a few pieces of cheese.  She would - little bugger can't say no to food! 

my poor baby

The rest of our weekend was very low key. 
We went to a co-ed baby shower, spent the weekend at Michael's parent's house, and enjoyed having nothing to do! 

Baby Davis was there too, and I can't believe how fast he is growing!  He has lost all his newborn traits, and he is looking like a little man these days.  
I sneaked a few pics of him and his Cool Uncle Mike.  

Michael is so good with kids.  I can't wait to see him with our own some day. 
He is going to be a great dad.

I can't believe we are less than three months away from our big day.  I can't wait to call him my husband!  We are going to have so much fun!

Happy Tuesday Ladies :)
