

This Bug Is In Pain

Ohhhh the dentist - we all know what it's like to fear it. I've gone through my fair share of dentist experiences in the last 20 years. I've had cavities, fillings, extractions, braces, and a root canal. YES I do brush my teeth!! I know what you're thinking; unfortunately, I was cursed with bad genetics. I blame it on the European genes.

A piece of a filling broke a few weeks ago, and my tooth started hurting. Of course, I put off going to the dentist; too much work, packing, moving, you name it - was used as an excuse not to go. The truth is, I knew what was in store for me if I went, and I delayed it as much as I could.  

Unable to get through the morning at work, I scheduled an appointment during my lunch break and went to the dentist. I was apprehensive of course, since this was a new place I chose through my new insurance. I was pleased when I arrived: nice office, friendly  receptionists, and a quick wait to be seen. The dental assistant took x-rays, and I waited for the doctor. 

Verdict? This bug needs a root canal, and a crown. I couldn't help the tears that started running down, and felt completely defeated. The pain did not help either. He prescribed me some pain medicine and anti-biotic to get me through the week, and I will get the root canal done a week from today. 

OUCHERS? Big time. I am scared, and not looking forward to go though this again. But in the wise words of my dad: "you will feel so much better afterward."

I guess so, but I still can't help feeling like this is my fault, and that although the dentist said it was inevitable, I could have prevented it. I feel like I failed in some ways. I don't like this feeling :(

To cheer you up, I am leaving you with a picture of my niece and her beautiful smile! 

  Sara eating watermelon with Mimi (my mother)

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