

MIA Update

I know what you are thinking: she's already forgotten about her blog! No no no I did NOT!!! 
If you want to know, the last 3 weeks were pretty hectic. I had to get ready and all packed up to move into our new apartment (pics coming soon!), and it was our quarter-end close at work.
Oh yea, you forgot I am one of those boring accountants, didn't you?! Well, it's true, and I had to work extra long, extra hard, and be extra focused! Mix that with packing, a move, and getting settled into a new place, and you have an MIA July! 

I am back though, and gosh it feels good to be settled again. I love our new apartment, and our furniture look even better in this new space. It is bigger, brighter, and it has a more "grown up" feel to it. 
Oh and did I mention that it is 1.7 miles from my office?! No more rushing in the morning for this girl. I also get to come home for lunch, which not only allows me to save money, but it gives me a good 45 minutes to watch the girlie shows I dvr, and won't let myself watch when Michael is around  :)
I also wanted to mention my new addiction: spin class. What?! I'm serious! For someone who doesn't like to do cardio, this class has saved my work out habits. I do it twice a week, 1hr each time, and I burn 500-800 calories! How can you say no to that. It's fun, everyone gets into it, and I actually feel like I am doing something good for my body. Yes, it is intense, but the good kind. It make me feel great, but most importantly, I have lost weight! You can't beat that, and combined with 2 days of weights, I'm good to go! 

I highly recommend it if you are not a fan of cardio, and need that extra push! 
I promise to be back with pictures of the new place! Till then, I'm leaving you with a picture of my dream engagement ring! Yes, I emailed it to Michael, and no he did not think I was crazy!
 I am in love!

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